Posts Tagged ‘Paintball’

Paintball is a fun hobby that provides thrills and excitement for people of all ages.  Paintball requires the use of a paintball gun (go to good paintball guns for discount paintball guns) and paintballs to play . Those are the necessities but you’ll need some more equipment if you want to avoid any type of injury. While paintball is safe it can still be very risky if the right safeguards are not taken. Sure a paintball won’t hurt you if it pops you on the arms or legs but what if they hit you in the eye? Take the proper precaution and wear goggles or a mask to protect your eyes. Not only will you virtually eradicate the threat of injury by wearing the right equipment but you’ll also have a lot more fun knowing that you’re safe and you can relax and just enjoy the excitement and thrill of paintball. The follwoing are what we consider essentials to play paintball.

Paintball Mask. A lot of people venture out to the paintball field without a mask but let me tell you getting hit in the face with a paintball is not fun and it can destroy your afternoon. A good portion of injuries on paintball fields occur because someone got hit in the face with a paintball. Don’t let that be you. Wear a mask. Paintball stops being fun the second you feel a huge welt on your face.

Paintball Goggles. Absolutely essential in the sport of paintball as far as protective equipment goes. Getting hit in the eye with a paintball will result in a serious injury. Don’t let it happen to you. Wear protective eye equipment regardless if the playing field demands you to wear it or not.Another concern for your eyes is paint splashing intop your eyes from popping paintballs. Most paint used in non-toxic but can still burn and irritate your eyes like no other. A good pair of goggles will take care of that.

Paintball gun. Obviously you won’t be able to play paintball without a paintball gun. If you want to give yourself an advantage on the paintball battleground you can do so by upgrading your paintball gun. A paintball marker that is faster and more accurate will make you a better player. Paintball markers come in all manner of shapes and varities and they all come with their different strengths and weaknesses. Your best bet is to rent a paintball gun before choosing to buy one to familiarize yourself with the hobby of paintball and the different paintball guns in the sport.

Paintballs. Paintballs are the ammunition that we use in the sport of paintball. Really the only thing you need to check on before picking up some paintballs is that you’re getting the right size paintballs. You won’t be able to shoot straight if you use the wrong size paintballs so make sure to pick out the right size for your gun. Buying the right size paintballs is crucial to your accuracy so make sure and double check against the size of the barrel on your paintball marker.

Hopper. In paintball the hopper is the thing that you load your paintballs into. Hoppers come in diiferent shapes and size but the most important thing is that they be easy to get paintballs into. Hoppers are pretty interchangeable between most guns but some faster paintball markers will need an electric hopper.

Air. Air is used in a paintball gun to shoot the paintballs when you pull the trigger. In paintball you have a choice when it comes to your air source. You can go with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) or you can use nitrogen.Most folks used C02 in paintball because it’s a lot cheaper then nitrogen but nitrogen performs a lot better.

Equipment And Other equipment.Maintaining a paintball gun is pretty simple with the use of a squeegee and some oil to keep things clean and lubricated. If you’re looking for an advantage on the paintball playing field then look no further then your paintball marker. And depending on how crazy you plan on getting on the paintball field of battle you may want to consider buying some knee and elbow pads.If you know you’re going to be on the ground then the smart thing to do is protect you knees and elbows. If you can you’ll want to have something that will allow you to hold additional paintballs . You’ll have  a much better experience and fare a lot better if you’re not worried about your paintball supply.

Paintball is a ton of fun and it is absolutely thrilling and it is gives you a good idea of what combat is like without all the danger. Paintball guns and equipment can be costly but you can save yourself a lot of dough by renting your gear initially. That being said you’ll probably want to check in advance with your desired paintball facility to see if they rent all of the equipment you’re looking for. More then anything else make sure you take the right protective gear to make sure you don’t get hurt and you can have a good time.

All paintball playing areas are various in what they offer and how the playing areas are laid out.If you want to ensure yourself a good time then you must check the facility out beforehand and ensure it has everything that you’re looking for. Following are a few things you may want to take a look at.


The first thing to consider is the actual facility. How many fields are there and are they inside or outside? Some paintball facilities will even have both an indoor and outdoor playing field. This can come in handy if there is inclement weather the day of the planned outing. It is also strongly recommended that you check out the playing playing areas and their terrains beforehand. Does the paintballing playing area have supply bins located through out the battlefield? The layout and size of the field should also be of interest to you as well as the natural surroundings that might come into play or just provide a scenic back drop. A location with paintballing bunkers and other structures can make for thrilling games with obvious strategic advantages. This can make paintball battles much more fun and thrilling than they would be if the facility did not have it’s own bunkers. “Capture the Flag” which is the most popular game in paintballing is perfect for paintballing playing fields that have such structures. There’s no doubt about it, paintball is a lot more fun when the paintball field has all kinds of junk thrown about.


Knowing what kind of equipment the paintballing facility rents out is also really good information to habe beforehand. Obviously you want to play at a paintball facility that has high-quality equipment so you can get the full experience of paintballing. Don’t know the first thing about paintball guns? That’s ok! Check online under paintballing gun reviews and familiarize yourself with the different popular brands. All paintballing facilities are different in what they provide and that’s why it’s a good idea to look into it beforehand. Finally make sure to ask if they rent masks and goggles if you plan on wearing such equpment and don’t plan on bringing any.


And of course how much will it cost? It’s also a good idea to ask about their pricing on other pieces of equipment as well. Many playing fields can charge a pretty hefty premium on these items. Some places will only let you use their paintballs so make sure to read all the rules before you play. This is another place where you can get some on the internet reviews for paintball fields and their pricing.

Paintballing is a lot of fun and it’s filled with adrenaline and exhilaration. make sure it’s a memorable outing and follow these steps.

Paintball is an electric and fun pastime. Many have heard that it is an intense hobby. To the contrary, many paintball parks are planned for the whole household. Paintball is just like any other sport in that there are different levels of play and paintball also offers different games within the game. Capture the flag is the most well known and popular of the paintball games. As a young kid my old man used to take me out hunting. These days, hunting animals is just not what I want to do anymore. Paintball gives me the same feeling of excitement and accomplishes what I am looking for in a weekend recreational pastime.

Paintball is a household hobby. Those that have been willing to try paintball have learned how much fun it very can be for the whole family. Most siblings will jump at the chance to hit their brother or sister with a round of paintballs. But, you brothers out there should beware, the women I see playing paintball are fast, sharp shooters and may just send 15 balls per second your way!

You’d be stunned how much fun you can have with your kids at the paintball park. You shouldn’t be scared of the paintball game. A lot of folks are afraid of paintball because they think the paintballs will smart. On occasion you may get a bump or a bruise but if you completely cover all of your skin and Wear goggles or a mask you should be fine.As with any other hobby you have to Wear the appropriate gear and protective equipment to play the game safely. Wearing the following gear is best for unsurpassed protection and recommended for youngsters: a chest and back protector, a full coverage paintball goggle, paintball gloves, paintball jersey and paintball pants. Paintball equipment is designed to be comfortable and to protect you.

Paintball comes with a wide sort of games that you can play to enjoy it. Tournament players and kids are big fans of a game called speedball. If you prefer to play like a sniper then woodsball may be the game for you. There’s a game for everybody on the paintball field if you’re willing to experiment a bit. Having the right gear is of utmost importance in paintball and of critical importance is your paintball marker which could make or break you. Buying your equipment should only be made after you’ve tested out at least a few different kinds of paintball markers. Renting your equipment the first few times out will buy you the experience you need to make a good choice on a paintball marker.

The goal of this article was to convince you that there is little danger and much enjoyment in playing paintball! Like other sports, it helps me forget about the daily stresses of life and enjoy some fun time with my family. After you erase your fears and decide to go, ask some friends that play to fill you in on what to expect. The best way for a beginner to get started is to rent some equipemnt out at the field and if possible try a few different paintball markers.Protect yourself so that you are not fearful of playing the game. Then count on playing several games in the future to hone your skills and having a hit paintballing your friends and family unit!

Paintballing For Beginners

Posted: January 16, 2010 in Paintball

Paintballing has grown so much in popularity that there are now paintball competitions all over the world. It’s surprising how many competitive squads there are out there that are registered to compete in paintball and you can even watch them on TV on occasion. ?

The paintball gun in paintball is actually refered to as your paintball marker and it can determine how well or how poorly you’ll play in paintball. If you are new to the sport and you still don’t know whether or not you will like it your best bet may be to rent equipment at the battlefield. Paintball markers are really complex pieces of equipment and that’s why it’s such a great idea to rent a marker your first few times out so you can discover your likes and dislikes.

Paintballs will be used as your ammo and they are basically round gelatin capsules filled with paint that are fashioned to break upon impact. Getting hit by paintballs can take some getting used to especially on exposed skin and it’s a must to don some protective equipment for your eyes.

Paintballing normally takes place outside and there are typically all assortments of impediments and obstacles to provide cover for both squads. Most paintball fans prefer to see the playing field litetred with all kinds of stuff to make the game more interesting.

The game most paintball beginners are first introduced to is “capture the flag” and it involves chasing down your opponents flag while at the same time protecting your flag from your adversaries. Paintball is an awesome actvity for a family unit to take on because it is both fun and it is also a great workout for you and the Kids. Kids love paintball beasue it makes them feel like they’re playing in a giant video game!